We have emerged as a preferred choice by many Industries in and around Central India for the movement of project cargo.
Entire manufacturing units have been exported as well as imported by us. These manufacturing units are dismantled and then we device a blueprint of the movement of the units. This is one of the most challenging domains as a balance has to be maintained between time taken for dismantling and assembling, cost of doing the same, transit time, daily cost incurred due to any delay and opportunity cost lost for delay in production for each day while it is being moved. This also requires very high levels of coordination and meticulous paper work.
It is not only the physical movement that is critical but also the record maintenance since on most occasions all the cargo will not move simultaneously. In cases when a new plant is being shipped the various parts might come from different parts of the country and correlation with CT-1 is another aspect to be kept in mind.
Apart from the above the decision of what has to be moved as bulk shipment and what can be stuffed in containers is also to be weighed against the backdrop of cost and criticality. It is the challenge in such assignments that has helped us the desired skill sets for such specialized cargo.